2019 Program

2019 NRCA WEED CONTROL SEMINAR Session I: Initial Certification
Meals: held in Freedom Hall
Meetings: held in Salons 5-8

Monday, January 28
8:30-11:00 am Registration (Outside Salon 4)

9:30-10:15 Introduction, Railroads and Weed Management Issues (Reid Smeda)

10:15-10:45 Federal and State Pesticide Laws and Regulations (Cheri Janssen)

10:45-11:00 BREAK

11:00-11:45 Understanding Herbicide Labels (worksheets) (Cheri Janssen)

11:45-1:00 pm Lunch: Session I

1:00-1:30 Basic Herbicide Terminology (Reid Smeda)

1:30-2:30 Herbicide Formulations (Cheri Janssen)

2:30-2:45 BREAK

2:45-3:45 Plant Biology and Weed Identification (Reid Smeda)

3:45-4:00 BREAK

4:00-5:00 Application Equipment: Calibration (bring calculators) (worksheet) (Cheri Janssen)

5:00-5:30 Review and Discussion (Reid Smeda)

5:30-6:30 Dinner: Session I

6:30-7:15 Supplemental Exam study session; MO, IL, WI, MT (Reid Smeda)

Tuesday, January 29
7:00-8:30 am Breakfast for Session I

8:30-9:00 Review and Discussion (Reid Smeda)

9:00-10:00 Right-of-way Herbicides and Application Methods (Matt Kraushar)

10:00-10:15 BREAK

10:15-11:00 Application Equipment: Use and Maintenance (Reid Smeda and Matt Kraushar)

11:00-11:30 Accurate Application of Herbicides – Off-target Movement (Reid Smeda)

11:30-12:45 pm Lunch: Session I

12:45-1:30 Herbicide Applicator Safety (Matt Kraushar)

1:30-2:00 Weed ID Review (Reid Smeda)

2:00-2:15 BREAK

2:15-3:00 Herbicides in the Environment; Storage, Transportation, & Disposal (Matt Kraushar)

3:00-3:45 Study Hall and Pre-test (bring calculators) (Reid Smeda)

3:45-4:00 BREAK

4:00-4:15 Review and Discussion (Reid Smeda)

4:15-5:45 Supplemental Exams (Reid Smeda, Rita McKenzie, Mindy Shoults) (Salons A-C)

5:45-6:45 Dinner: Session I

Wednesday, January 30
6:30-8:00 am Breakfast for Session I and II

7:30-7:45 Load bus for travel to Ivy Tech (all IN Core and ROW exam takers)

8:00-2:00 Indiana Certification Exams at Ivy Tech (Reid Smeda to accompany)

11:30 am-2:00 pm Lunch for Session I and II

2019 NRCA WEED CONTROL SEMINAR  Session II: Continuing Certification

Tuesday, January 29
4:00-5:00 pm Certification and Recertification Status (Mindy Shoults) (Patriot Board Room)

Wednesday, January 30
6:30-8:00 am Breakfast for Session I and II (Freedom Hall)

10:00 am-1:00 pm Registration

11:30 am-2:00 Lunch for Session I and II (Freedom Hall)

Moderator: (Salon 5-8)
2:30-2:45 Opening Address. NRCA President

2:45-3:35 Mapping invasive weeds: New technology for integrated pest management. 
Dr. Mark Renz, University of Wisconsin, Madison
GIS systems permit mapping the location of invasive species along rights-of-ways and natural areas. Maps can be continuously revised, enabling accurate application of labeled herbicides. Results can be more effective weed control and reduced spread to new areas.

3:35-3:45 BREAK

3:45-4:35 Safe and effective methods for brush control.
Mr. Chris Evans, Extension Forester, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
This presentation will cover integrating management approaches, timing for treatments, herbicide application techniques and control recommendations for safe yet effective brush control. We will also discuss some new invasive brush species and their potential impacts.

4:35-5:25 Protection of pollinator species and specialty crops from herbicides.
Mr. Bob Walters, FieldWatch, Indianapolis, IN
Reduction of important pollinator species has serious consequences for crop pollination and production. Knowledge of the habitats for pollinator species including locations of specialty crops can aid pesticide applicators in minimizing off-target movement.

5:25-5:35 BREAK

5:35-6:25 The ABC’s of herbicide labels and proper PPE.
Dr. Reid Smeda, University of Missouri, Columbia.
Proper mixing, use, application, and storage of pesticides begins with reading the label of all pesticides used. This presentation will decipher the important language of labels and identify how pesticide applicators can be used safely.

6:25 Buffet dinner and evening activities (Freedom Hall)

Thursday, January 31
7:00-8:00 am Breakfast (Freedom Hall)
Moderator: (Salon 5-8)

8:00-8:50 am Pesticide transportation safety: the role of trucks.
Mr. Fred Whitford, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Improper movement of pesticides often begins with unsafe practices in handling and truck preparation. The most common errors and their correction will be demonstrated using real-life examples.

8:50-9:40 Factors influencing persistence and movement of soil-applied herbicides.
Dr. Tom Mueller, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Weed control is a continuing challenge to those that work in IVM. The use of soil-applied materials supports residual weed control, but also may allow for off-site movement into soil or water. This presentation will focus on factors affecting persistence and maximizing weed control while reducing or eliminating off-target effects.

9:40-9:55 BREAK

9:55-10:45 The truth about exposure to herbicide; a case study for glyphosate.
Dr. Jason Ferrell, University of Florida, Gainesville
This presentation will examine the scientific literature surrounding glyphosate use and related concerns. Applicators will learn the risks of glyphosate to amphibian populations, the risk of cancer in laboratory rats, and the controversial decision by the WHO to classify this herbicide as “Probably Carcinogenic”. Published reports will be discussed including the strengths and weaknesses of the research. Applicators should better understand the scientific process and why current terms and definitions are being used.

10:45-11:35 am Update on Pesticide Regulations.
David Scott, Office of the Indiana State Chemist, West Lafayette, IN
Updates on Federal Regulations regarding pesticide use will be provided with implications for applicators in IVM. Dicamba use continues to pose challenges and the impact of label changes will be reviewed. Safe use of herbicides must consider changes to the label in interpretation of changes.

11:35-12:00 pm CCH paperwork; adjourn

12:00-1:00 pm Lunch (Freedom Hall)

12:45-2:15 pm NRCA Board of Directors business meeting (Harrison Room)

This program is a continuing education activity of Purdue University, an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity University.